Fly Warp Records presents Andy Ellias: My Way to Heaven.
Three very danceable track by one of the top producers promentedores
of European trance scene. The original track is a track with a bassline
very electronic and very marked and especially with a melody that will
make us vibrate. The second track by Martin LIbsen, more electronic than
the original with more effects, and especially a well-defined dubset. The
third track madeby the English producer Touchstone, shows us one
of the classic characteristics of the producer, track very danceable,
electronic rhythms and above all good.
Conclusion: great release for all lovers of trance that you will not let you
stop dancing and will be a must for every DJ and producer of this
fabulous style.

 Name Duration Buy
My way to heaven (original) 8:22
My way to heaven (M. Libsen) 7:29

Andy Elliass

08 / 2012
Genre: Trance

My way to heaven(Touchstone) 7:46